Slitter for aluminum

When aluminum is slit, burrs at the time of slitting adversely affect the winding coil, so it is necessary to perform slitting while minimizing burrs as much as possible.
In order to suppress burrs and slit, it is important to have a highly accurate slitter stand with little change in cutter blade clearance/lap and operator's blade combination adjustment.
Also, the winding coil must be wound with little meandering from the tension device to the recoiler.
Sanno's MD roll tension device has little meandering and can be wound with stable tension, so it is widely used by aluminum material manufacturers and processing centers.
We will propose an aluminum slitter line that meets the customer's needs.
Please feel free to contact us.

Actual example Slitter for thick Material Slitter for thin material  
Material Thickness 0.1~3.0mm 0.05~1.0mm Thickness 3mm or more can be proposed
Material Width ~1600mm ~800mm Width 1600mm or more can be proposed
Coil Weight   8.5ton   6ton Weight 8.5ton or more can be proposed